Best Summer Nail Designs – 35 Colorful Nail Ideas You Can Do It Yourself At Home New 2019

If you prefer long or short nails, they should first be trimmed. And then it should be colorful. If you do not have a lot of time and are in a hurry, use a simple glaze and skirt, but do not leave your hands unattended. You may think that you do not have the time for this, that you are more than that, but you will feel really safer if you put on some enamel. If you feel better, you will have more confidence in yourself. And if you’re confident, it’s easy to get everything you want. The shape of the almond nails is always absolute success, especially among the younger generations. Since entering the manicure world through the front door, his popularity has not diminished. If your nails are shorter or longer, with this shape you will be extremely modern. Oval and square nails are superfluous because they are classic in the world of manicure. With this form there is no mistake, just choose the shape that best suits your fingers and the shape of the nail plate. If you update your nails every month, take a break of at least a week between the updates. And during that time, treat your nails with protective, nourishing creams. This way, no matter the presentation, you will always be strong and healthy. Keratin is an integral part of hair and nails. If your body produces more keratin, your nails will become healthier and stronger. Hair also milk is one of the most important foods for strong hair and nails. Due to the lack of iron, your nails can be fragile. Milk is rich in calcium, protein, vitamin D and biotin and contributes greatly to the formation of nails and hair. The eggs also contain biotin and iron, so they also eat. Carrots and pumpkins are rich in vitamin A. Foods rich in vitamin A make nails less dry. Hydration is very important. Drink lots of water because the nutrients in the water of these foods are transferred to the nail and hair follicles. The leafy greens contain vitamins A and C. Eat teeth and spinach. Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron. Vitamin A accelerates hair growth and vitamin C is good for the health of the skin of the head. As you can see, our lifestyle, the foods we eat, the physical activity, greatly affect the health of our whole body and therefore the hair and nails. Eat healthy, drink plenty of water and practice sports: your body will be grateful to you. This will also affect your exterior. Enjoy every day and love each other.

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